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2024-12-31 20:10
大新竹路廊ITS 獲交通部肯定 - 中時新聞網
2024-12-23 02:05
華電聯網「新世代高速公路C-ITS服務計畫」 榮獲2024年智慧運輸產業創新獎 - 中央社即時新聞
2024-12-27 21:30
中英對照讀新聞》Oxford University Press has selected its word of the year 牛津大學出版社選出年度代表字 - 新聞事件簿
2024-12-21 08:00
高雄ITS年會登場 陳其邁盼AI助攻智慧交通 - 焦點時報
2024-12-20 08:00
ITS高雄年會 交流智慧運輸 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-12-13 08:00
Warframe is taking things back to 1999 in its latest expansion - Epic Games
2024-12-20 09:14
高雄迎接ITS協會2024年會 AI智慧交通成焦點 - 蕃新聞
2024-09-16 07:00
歷經10年、4次爭取 台灣獲2029「ITS世界大會」主辦權 - Taiwan News
2024-09-30 07:00
台中梨山幸福巴士登上國際殿堂 世界智慧運輸年會(ITS)大會分享推動成果 - 臺中市政府
2024-12-17 02:26
安迪·羅切利補助金 2024 Andy Rocchelli Grant - 獎金獵人
2024-09-15 07:00
打敗澳洲!北市取得2029智慧運輸世界大會主辦權 蔣萬安反應曝 - 聯合新聞網
2024-12-20 06:01
2024 ITS年會兩大榮譽肯定 華電聯網5G C-V2X技術能力 - 中央社即時新聞
2024-09-15 07:00
中國打壓10年!台灣獲2029「ITS世界大會」主辦權 施義芳:我們做到了 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-12-10 08:00
BAFTA reveals its list of the best 58 games of 2024 - Epic Games
2024-12-18 08:00
台北|It's okay沒事咖啡:隱身天母巷弄不限時咖啡廳,環境優雅舒適,適合放鬆品味花茶享用美食 | 輕旅行 - 輕旅行
2024-12-13 08:00
《英雄聯盟》紅牛表演賽週日登場!T1打歐洲一日六戰,一場還得吃「35 Ban」 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-09-17 07:00
台灣取得2029智慧運輸世界大會主辦權 遠傳代表中華智慧運輸協會參加決選 - 中央社即時新聞
2024-12-14 08:00
T1對抗全歐!英雄聯盟「紅牛杯」12/15開打 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-09-20 07:00
逢甲大學智慧運輸研究團隊閃耀杜拜ITS世界大會 展現台灣學術實力 - 中央社即時新聞
2024-09-16 07:00
中華智慧運輸協會成功爭取2029年智慧運輸世界大會(ITS WC)主辦權! - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-12-14 08:00
Red Bull League of Its Own 本週日晚間登場,新成員 Doran 首度合流 T1 出賽 - T客邦 Techbang
2024-09-30 07:00
梨山幸福巴士 世界智慧運輸大會分享推動成果 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-09-15 07:00
歷經12年終獲主辦權!李四川:2029智慧運輸世界大會在台北 AI+ITS呈現 - 知新聞
2024-09-15 07:00
臺北市政府與中華智慧運輸協會成功爭取2029年智慧運輸世界大會(ITS WC)主辦權! - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-09-02 08:35
近期活動 | IPMB Faculty Seminar: Exploring ribosome biogenesis and its response to salt stress - 中央研究院
2024-06-03 07:00
2024 NCHU Graduation: Academy of Circular Economy Celebrates Its First Graduating Class, Infusing New Vitality into the Industry - 國立中興大學
2024-10-08 07:00
「四季皆宜,唯有Burberry。」165年的完美應對氣候的設計,全新7款經典外套系列推薦介紹 - VOGUE 時尚網
2024-06-05 07:00
Taiwan Tourism Administration unveiled its new brand "TAIWAN – Waves of Wonder" in Los Angeles on June 5. Led by Director-General Joe Y. Chou, the event showcased Taiwan's rich travel resources and vibrant culture. Exciting activities and business exc - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-13 14:31
Red Bull League of Its Own 本週日晚間登場 新成員Doran首度合流T1出賽 迎戰歐洲頂尖隊伍 - 蕃新聞
2024-12-13 08:00
中英對照讀新聞》Death Valley National Park just had its hottest summer on record 死亡谷國家公園剛經歷有紀錄以來最熱夏季 - 自由時報
2024-04-12 07:00
Asia University has made its debut in the - 亞洲大學
2024-08-27 07:00
Apple Event It’s Glowtime 主題視覺,藏有什麼產品特色呢? - 蘋果迷 APPLEFANS
2024-11-05 18:00
Experts call on Taiwan to keep its semiconductor edge post U.S. elections|English News | 僑務電子報 - 僑務電子報
2024-12-07 08:00
《TAIPEI TIMES》 Lai urges Beijing to ‘unclench its fists’ - 自由時報
2024-06-03 07:00
填詞人周耀輝新書《It's My Party》開放免費下載 剖析達明一派與香港流行音樂的後殖民政治 - 虛詞 p-articles
2024-09-09 07:00
It’s Glowtime來了 如何觀看iPhone 16 發布會直播 - 科技島
2024-10-22 07:00
觀點投書:Life will find its way out.─演藝圈的「風向」 - 風傳媒
2024-06-25 07:00
Overseas Chinese Association Melbourne Chapter celebrated its 10th anniversary - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-06-12 06:05
Honey Birdette went online, then global, without losing its boutique feel - Shopify
2024-07-15 07:00
It's Sho-time!為棒球而生的男人—大谷翔平再創紀錄 首推New Balance大谷聯名系列 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-04-30 07:00
If you play Kenshi like Skyrim, you will walk right into its traps - Epic Games
2024-07-27 07:00
《BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!》宣布推出劇場版總集篇!9/27前篇上映 - udn 遊戲角落
2024-11-20 08:00
Omar Lopez:"分組賽非常特別,現在是時候全力以赴爭取最終的勝利了"」Omar Lopez: "The Opening Round was special, it's time to try to win it all" - World Baseball Softball Confederation
2024-12-12 08:00
T1 粉必看!《Red Bull LOIO 2024》12/15 跨夜登場 參賽隊伍、神秘賽程、特殊賽制一次看 - 上報
2024-06-12 07:41
Cozykids uses Flow and Launchpad to automate its processes, remove human error, and dramatically increase efficiency - Shopify
2024-10-08 07:00
Taiwan urges China to respect its historical significance - TVBS
2024-04-24 07:00
Red Bull League of Its Own - Red Bull
2024-06-01 00:15
How Hunter Boots increased orders by 1000% in its first three months using Shopify Plus - Shopify
2024-10-21 07:00
觀點投書:Life will find its way out.─演藝圈的「風向」 | 風傳媒 | LINE TODAY - LINE TODAY Taiwan
2024-05-02 07:00
強化學生就業力 中華大學應智系考照ITS Python通過率100%樂拿獎金 | 勁報 | LINE TODAY - LINE TODAY Taiwan
2024-12-23 11:02
GAINERSPACK (@alberteinstein) 的見解 - Binance
2024-09-19 07:00
高雄新一代系統 獲邀智慧運輸世界大會發表 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-08-28 07:00
「It’s Glowtime」新品超多?iPad mini 7 有望同步亮相 - TechNews 科技新報
2024-08-27 07:00
「It′s Glowtime」,蘋果 9/10 凌晨 iPhone 16 發表會登場 - TechNews 科技新報
2024-11-01 07:00
IT'S TIME!瑪麗亞凱莉化身魔帝女 「耶誕媽祖婆」準時降臨 - 華視新聞
2024-04-26 07:00
Fallout 4 releases on the Epic Games Store today. Here's why it's still great. - Epic Games
2024-04-03 07:00
IT'S THE SHIP KOREA公佈首航的完整演出陣容 - Yahoo奇摩股市
2024-10-06 07:00
2024-10-16 07:00
Taiwan accuses China of undermining its legitimacy - TVBS
2024-03-31 07:00
Merck Group is celebrating its 35th anniversary in Taiwan - 環球生技月刊
2024-08-19 07:00
《TAIPEI TIMES》 Navy boosts the defensive firepower of its warships - 自由時報
2024-09-09 07:00
今晚除了 iPhone 16 還能期待什麼?蘋果「It′s Glowtime」新品總整理 - TechNews 科技新報
2024-09-10 07:00
2024 It's Glowtime 閃耀時刻 蘋果發表會重點總整理:iPhone 16、Apple Watch series 10、AirPods 4 - 蘋果迷 APPLEFANS
2024-10-26 07:00
《TAIPEI TIMES》 TSMC Arizona fab’s yield surpasses its local peers’ - 自由時報
2024-10-11 07:00
Taiwan detects 20 PLA aircraft near its territory - TVBS
2024-05-02 07:00
通過率百分百 華大應智系考取ITS Python國際證照樂拿獎金 - 經濟日報
2024-10-11 07:00
Taiwan detects 20 PLA aircraft near its territory - TVBS
2024-02-19 08:00
MCU Sees New Faces Attending Its International Program - 銘傳一週
2024-08-09 07:00
《痛愛完成式 It Ends With Us》看點二:Blake搭檔美國知名男星Justin Baldoni,上演揪心虐戀 - Vogue Hong Kong
2024-10-24 07:00
《TAIPEI TIMES》 TSMC notifies US about use of its chip by Huawei - 自由時報
2024-05-02 07:00
連續兩年通過率100%!中華大學應智系考取ITS Python國際證照樂拿獎金 - 中央社即時新聞
2024-07-27 07:00
中英對照讀新聞》Oscar Mayer Wienermobile flips onto its side after crash along suburban Chicago highway奧斯卡.邁耶公司的熱狗車在芝加哥郊區公路上發生車禍後側翻 - 新聞事件簿
2024-08-27 07:00
下一個大熱It Bag!從時裝展天橋到街頭,Cargo Bag成為2024秋季不容錯過的單品! – Vogue Hong Kong - Vogue Hong Kong
2024-12-18 11:21
Why Hong Kong never fails to inspire its artists - Art Basel
2024-12-23 00:36
Petco’s new CEO wants to make these changes to its stores, as shares gain - MSN
2024-05-31 07:00
意大利航母打擊群罕弋印太 媒體分析針對中國 - RFI - 法國國際廣播電台
2024-08-07 07:00
重磅回歸?Drake 正式發佈 100 GB 全新內容 - HYPEBEAST
2024-02-28 08:00
BRIM Biotechnology, Inc. announced its three focus areas for this year's operations - 環球生技月刊
2024-08-10 07:00
Blake Lively 出動老公宣傳新作《It Ends With Us》,第一輪影評已很兩極化 - A Day Magazine
2024-07-11 07:00
Taiwan detects 66 Chinese aircraft near its airspace - TVBS
2024-10-09 07:00
Maersk names latest vessel of its dual-fuel methanol fleet “Alexandra Mærsk” in Felixstowe - Maersk
2024-12-30 20:08
Tesla Shares Shake Up! Unexpected Factors Driving the Latest Price Surge? -
2024-04-16 07:00
【陳郁敏專欄】裝幀:Judge a book by its cover - Shopping Design
2024-07-27 07:00
中英對照讀新聞》Oscar Mayer Wienermobile flips onto its side after crash along suburban Chicago highway奧斯卡.邁耶公司的熱狗車在芝加哥郊區公路上發生車禍後側翻 - 自由時報
2024-08-14 07:00
演員幕後的糾葛和電影一樣充滿話題:《It Ends With Us》男女主角盛傳不和,Blake Lively 還請老公介入 - A Day Magazine
2024-09-04 07:00
Maersk appoints Christopher Cook as its new Managing Director for India, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka - Maersk
2024-05-17 07:00
Blake Lively睽違四年新作!愛情電影《It Ends with Us》發布高清劇照和預告片 摯友Taylor Swift獻唱主題曲 - Tatler Taiwan
2024-10-18 07:00
Southern Shadows: The Reception of Sinophone Malaysian Literature in Taiwan and Its Changes 南方面影:在台馬華文學的認可模式及其變遷 - Nanyang Technological University - NTU Singapore
2024-12-14 08:00
Gareth.T, Gordon Flanders, Kiri T, moon tang新歌《It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV - 新假期周刊
2024-10-07 07:00
EFX 易速傳真- Should You Hold or Sell FICO After Its Impressive Run?|股市爆料同學會 - CMoney
2024-03-26 07:00
Red Bull Can You Make It - 讓你自己擁有這個畢生難忘的冒險旅程。回顧瑞典隊的勝利之旅。 - Red Bull
2024-02-02 08:00
Weekly Unbox | 冬日裡的治癒香氣,開箱台灣小眾品牌 It’s Saturday 的香氛蠟燭 - The Femin
2024-11-16 08:00
《BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!》與中國LAWSON合作,女僕裝超萌粉絲驚覺愛音手勢不單純 - 4Gamers
2024-07-23 07:00
Maserati ends its second ABB FIA Formula E World Championship season - Maserati
2024-01-22 08:00
Everything you need to know about Valorant's sniper shotgun, the Outlaw - Epic Games
2024-01-25 08:00
Gene Lay, founder of BioLegend, turned $262,500 into nearly 300 times its value in just a decade - 環球生技月刊
2024-01-23 08:00
Taiwan has chosen its new president 台灣總統大選落幕 - Taipei Times
2024-06-25 06:03
狗狗幣是什麼? - Coinbase
2024-03-20 07:00
(有影片)2024宜蘭綠博主題曲孩童視角看世界 謝文德創作It’s not too late永遠不嫌晚 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
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